Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  • At the age of 25, I’m 46 now, I embarked on a lifelong journey of self development, sowing the seeds of what would become my passion and purpose. With each step, I cultivated a deep desire to create lasting change in the lives of women, empowering them to believe in themselves. This journey has led me to the transformative world of life coaching, where I am dedicated to nurturing sustainable change and helping women unlock their true potential.

  • I work with women who are ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment. My clients are women who are seeking sustainable change, striving to overcome challenges like self-doubt, people-pleasing, and limiting beliefs. Whether you're a busy mom juggling multiple roles or a woman navigating significant life transitions, I am here to guide you in building the confidence and clarity needed to live a life of freedom, peace and balance.

  • I differentiate myself through a personalized and holistic approach to empowerment. Having embarked on my own profound self-development journey from an undervalued corporate executive to a certified transformational life coach, I bring a unique blend of real-world experience and professional expertise. My focus extends beyond surface-level changes; I dive deep into helping individuals overcome rejection, people-pleasing, and limiting beliefs, fostering lasting transformations. Through unwavering support, practical guidance, and a genuine understanding of the challenges, I empower my clients to not only believe in themselves but also take bold, empowered actions towards a life they truly desire.

  • I thrive when working with individuals who are committed to their personal growth and ready to embrace change. The ideal client is someone open to self-discovery, willing to challenge limiting beliefs, and eager to take empowered actions toward their goals. I work best with those who are ready to invest time and effort into their own transformation.

    Expectations from my clients include active participation, honesty, and a willingness to engage in the coaching process. To get the most out of our sessions, it's important to come with an open mind, be receptive to feedback, and take the initiative in implementing strategies discussed during our sessions. Your dedication to the process is key to achieving meaningful and sustainable results.

  • I only have openings for 4 new clients per month in my schedule, so please know I’m very selective about who I work with, choosing to (gently) suggest alternatives for people who aren’t suited for my program and won’t get the results they would have invested in. (It wouldn’t be fair to them.)

    This program may not be the best fit for individuals who are not ready or willing to actively engage in the coaching process. If someone is seeking a quick fix without a commitment to personal growth, this program may not align with their expectations. Additionally, those who are not open to introspection, feedback, or making changes in their lives may find limited benefit from the program. It's crucial for participants to be genuinely invested in their own transformation for the coaching experience to be effective and rewarding.

  • My coaching system is a comprehensive and personalized approach designed to empower women to achieve sustainable transformation. It encompasses several key elements:

    Discovery Session:

    • We begin with a deep-dive discovery session to understand your goals, challenges, and aspirations.

    Mindset Fortification:

    • Addressing limiting beliefs, overcoming rejection, and breaking free from people-pleasing are core components to fortify your mindset.

    Goal Clarity and Action Planning:

    • We work together to gain clarity on your goals and create actionable plans to achieve them.

    Self-Care Strategies:

    • Integrating self-care practices that align with your lifestyle to ensure balance and well-being.

    Confidence Building:

    • Implementing strategies to boost confidence, find your voice, and take empowered actions.

    Ongoing Support:

    • Regular sessions for guidance, accountability, and adjustments to the plan as needed.

    My system is tailored to your unique needs, providing a roadmap for personal growth, self-discovery, and the creation of a fulfilling life on your own terms.

  • Yes, absolutely. The effectiveness of the coaching program hinges on your commitment and active engagement in the process. I provide a structured framework, guidance, and support tailored to your unique journey. Many women have experienced transformative results, breaking through limiting beliefs, gaining clarity, and taking empowered actions to achieve their goals. However, the success of the program ultimately depends on your openness to change, willingness to implement strategies, and dedication to your personal growth. If you're ready to invest in yourself and actively participate in the process, the potential for meaningful and sustainable change is significant.

  • The specific results of the coaching program will vary based on your individual goals, challenges, and commitment to the process. However, here are some common outcomes that clients often experience:

    Clarity and Goal Achievement:

    • Gain a clear understanding of your goals and create actionable plans to achieve them.

    Mindset Transformation:

    • Overcome limiting beliefs, self-doubt, and develop a more empowering mindset.

    Increased Confidence:

    • Build confidence in yourself, your abilities, and your unique voice.

    Stress Reduction and Improved Well-being:

    • Implement self-care strategies for enhanced balance and overall well-being.

    Empowered Decision-Making:

    • Develop the skills to make decisions aligned with your values and aspirations.

    Improved Relationships:

    • Foster healthier relationships by setting boundaries and expressing your authentic self.

    Life on Your Terms:

    • Create a life that aligns with your values, passions, and a sense of purpose.

    While these are common outcomes, the depth and breadth of your transformation will depend on your commitment and engagement throughout the coaching journey. The program is designed to empower you to make meaningful and sustainable changes in various aspects of your life.

  • Your transformation begins the second you say “YES” and continues every day throughout your coaching experience and beyond.

    The speed at which you'll see results depends on a number of things, including your individual goals, the complexity of your challenges, and your commitment to the coaching process. Some clients experience noticeable shifts early in the program, while others may see more substantial changes over time.

    Consistent engagement, active participation, and the implementation of strategies outside of coaching sessions are key in expediting results. We work collaboratively to set realistic timelines and milestones, ensuring that your expectations align with the progress you're making.

    It's important to approach the coaching journey with patience and a commitment to your own growth. The focus is on creating sustainable, long-term change rather than quick fixes. Rest assured, I'm dedicated to supporting you throughout the process to help you achieve the results you desire.

  • If you’ve tried things and failed in the past, chances are good that you didn’t have the right support, the right system or the right accountability. Working with me, you’ll get all of these.

    I will provide guidance, motivation, and support throughout the coaching process,and the ultimate power for achieving results lies with you. Here are some ways to increase the likelihood of success:

    Commit Wholeheartedly:

    • Fully commit to the coaching process. Be present, engaged, and open to exploration and change.

    Set Clear Goals:

    • Clearly define your goals and expectations. Specific, measurable objectives provide a roadmap for success.

    Actively Participate:

    • Take an active role in each coaching session. Engage in discussions, ask questions, and be open to feedback.

    Implement Strategies:

    • Apply the strategies and action plans discussed during coaching sessions in your day-to-day life.

    Consistent Effort:

    • Sustainable change often requires consistent effort over time. Regular practice of the skills and habits you develop during the coaching process is powerful to getting the results you’re after.

    Open Communication:

    • Share your thoughts, concerns, and feedback openly. This ensures that the coaching process is tailored to your evolving needs.

    Be Patient and Persistent:

    • Transformation takes time. Be patient with yourself and persistent in your commitment to growth.

    Remember, the coaching relationship is a partnership, and I am here to support and guide you. Your dedication to the process significantly influences the outcomes you achieve.

  • If you add up everything you’ve spent over the years on the ways you’ve tried to gain confidence and self-belief and feel more empowered, how much would that be?

    If things don’t change, how much would you spend in the coming years searching for a solution?

    For most of my clients, the answer to both questions is A LOT.

    I want you to stop reading for just one moment to ask yourself, “What is a new way of life for me and my family worth to me?” The information and skills you learn - and the personal transformation you make - the work we do together will be with you forever, transforming your life and the lives around you in so many empowering ways.

    The return on investment in a coaching program is subjective and depends on various factors, including the effort you put into the process, the goals you set, and the changes you implement in your life. Here are considerations to help you determine the potential return:

    Clarity and Goal Achievement:

    • If you gain clarity on your goals and develop strategies to achieve them, the program can contribute to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

    Career Advancement:

    • Improved confidence, decision-making, and goal-setting skills may positively impact your career, potentially leading to advancement and increased earning potential.

    Enhanced Well-being:

    • Investing in your well-being can lead to improved mental and physical health, reducing potential healthcare costs and enhancing overall life satisfaction.

    Improved Relationships:

    • Strengthening your communication skills and developing healthier relationships may positively impact your personal and professional life.

    Increased Productivity:

    • Overcoming limiting beliefs and developing effective habits can enhance productivity and efficiency in various aspects of your life.

    It's important to approach coaching as an investment in your personal and professional growth. While the financial return may not always be immediate or quantifiable, the value often extends beyond monetary considerations, contributing to a more enriched and purposeful life.

  • Fantastic, congratulations on the making the decision for yourself! I'm honored and excited to be your guide on this journey. Here's how we can get started:

    Apply to work with me

  • The amount of time needed for coaching varies based on individual goals, the complexity of challenges, and the pace at which you're comfortable progressing. Typically, coaching engagements range from a few months to a few years, with sessions occurring weekly or bi-weekly. Each session is about 60-90 minutes long.

    During our initial discovery call, we'll discuss your objectives and expectations. This conversation will help us determine the optimal frequency and duration of our coaching sessions. It's important to strike a balance that allows for meaningful progress while fitting into your schedule.

    Remember, coaching is a personalized journey, and the duration can be adjusted based on your evolving needs and progress. We'll work collaboratively to ensure the coaching experience aligns with your goals and is conducive to your lifestyle.

  • Absolutely! I'm delighted to hear that you're ready to take this step. My Discovery Call is the perfect opportunity to address any additional questions or concerns you may have. It's a chance for us to discuss the coaching process in more detail, and ensure that we're a great fit for each other.

    I'm excited to support you on this transformative journey!

    Book a Discovery Call here

Ready to start?

I am so grateful that I have the honor of working with Karielle. In only 2 sessions, she helped me be more aware of my behaviors and choices. I am now able to understand what my driving forces are and move forward in a more empowered way. Karielle is truly an inspiration and I already feel her positive life force moving through me. I love that she is not asking or needing me to change in order to be successful.

- Carla